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Better Together: Using the Power of Why and Who to Increase Impact

This year, instead of giving tips about how (our already climate savvy) readers can reduce carbon footprint, we wanted to take the opportunity to encourage people to work with others to address climate change.  It makes a difference both emotionally and in scope of impact when we work together.   Discovering and focusing on your personal “why” and “who” can make it easier (and even fun) to work on behalf of the planet.  

The Power of Why

My two friends and I all hate using plastic and have spent the last year trying to get it out of our homes and our lives.  Together we’ve been working on the same goal, but we each have different reasons why it’s important to us.  One friend doesn’t like plastic because of health concerns of using plastic around food.  A second friend doesn’t like it because she lives on a houseboat and sees plastic floating outside her home way too often.  She’s also worried about its impact on fish and sea life.  I don’t like plastic because it is usually made from petroleum and a PET plastic bottle can take around 450 years to decompose.

 Even though each of has a different why, it has been increased the bond of our friendship and our individual to have a common focus and the responsibility to hold each other accountable for  

The Power of Who

In honor of Earth Day, you may be able to find a bunch of friends who want to work on the same goal.  But if not, there’s always the power of finding others who are already working on something you’re passionate about and join them. 

The good news is that there are increasing numbers of organizations who are focusing on the planet and doing so in different ways.  Whether you want to do something personally that is part of a bigger effort, work together with other people or just write a check, a little bit of research can get you connected with a group of others who share your interest area for helping the planet.  Below are a few ideas of where to get started.  If you have an organization that you think is worth others knowing about, please share in the comment section of the blog. 


Climate Reality Project
Former US Vice President Al Gore founded The Climate Reality Project to catalyze a global solution to the climate crisis by making urgent action a necessity across every sector of society. The Climate Reality Project, trains, and mobilizes people of all walks of life to work for just climate solutions that speed energy transition worldwide and open the door to a better tomorrow for us all.

GreenPeace USA
Founded in 1971, Greenpeace is a global organization that uses peaceful protest and strategic communication to highlight environmental issues and promote solutions. Now in more than 50 countries, Greenpeace works to halt deforestation, protect ocean health, stop nuclear testing, and more. Through solutions rooted in social justice, they hope to help communities disproportionately impacted by climate change.

Extinction Rebellion
XR is a nonpartisan movement that demands governments declare a climate emergency, reach net zero emissions by 2025, and involve citizens in decision making. They use non-violent direct action and civil disobedience to communicate the urgency of the climate crisis. Because of the decentralized leadership, anyone from anywhere in the world can organize XR actions if it abides by core principles and values.


Blueprint for Better
Architects have a huge influence on designing for climate action and equity. Blueprint for Better is a grassroots campaign that shows how architects are designing the change our world needs, working alongside mayors, civic leaders, and their clients.

American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE)
Nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing energy efficiency. Provides in-depth technical and policy assessments and is a key publisher of books, conference proceedings, reports, and other energy related materials.

Energy-efficient building organizations
There are many building organizations that are working to help reduce the impact of building, each with a specific focus, including: Passive House, net zero building, low-carbon building, etc.


Earth Day Network
Growing out of the first Earth Day, Earth Day Network is the world’s largest recruiter of the environmental movement. They work with more than 75,000 partners in nearly 192 countries. More than 1 billion people now participate in Earth Day activities each year, making it the largest civic observance in the world.


Climate Victory Gardens
Planting a garden has the power to change the world. Climate Victory Gardens are part of the climate solution by restoring soil health to draw down carbon. Everyone can grow a garden, and everyone can take meaningful action on the climate crisis.

Gardening for Climate Change
The National Wildlife Federation asserts that gardeners are both stewards and guardians of the environment and can make a difference in the fight against climate change. Their Gardening for Climate Change page details how gardens can make a difference both in our own backyards and communities, and across the country.


Audubon Society
The National Audubon Society is an American non-profit environmental organization dedicated to conservation of birds and their habitats.The Audubon Society works for solutions to counteract the effects of climate change and achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.

Earthjustice uses the power of the law to protect communities’ and the planet’s health. With offices across the U.S., their work has helped to save wildlands, halt destructive logging and mining, and encourage more sustainable farming policies. Their sustainable food and farming program works to improve worker safety, promote climate-friendly farming practices, and reduce pollution by factory farms.

Environmental Defense Fund (EDF)
For over 50 years, EDF has brought together scientists and lawyers to protect the environment. Using strategic partnerships, scientific and economic research, and advocacy, EDF works to strengthen laws and policies that improve the environment and public health. To do so, EDF takes on a wide variety of cases that range from overfishing and food contaminants to pollution from the oil and gas industry.

Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
With simple online actions anyone can take, NRDC safeguards people, plants, animals, and natural systems. By making strong partnerships across the United States, Canada, China, India, and Latin America, NRDC is pushing for climate solutions like solar power, electric vehicles, and national limits on carbon emissions.

Sierra Club
Founded in 1892, the Sierra Club is the most enduring and influential grassroots environmental organization in the United States. In addition to political advocacy, the Sierra Club organizes outdoor recreation activities, and has historically been a notable organization for mountaineering and rock climbing in the United States.


5 Gyres Institute
5 Gyresis a nonprofit dedicated to empowering individual and collective actions against the global crisis of plastic pollution. In addition to the hands-on work it does out in the oceans and on beaches, 5 Gyres Institute also contributes as a founding member to the Plastic Pollution Coalition where it works with global businesses and thought leaders to explore sustainable solutions to the many problems caused by plastic pollution.

Clean Water Action
Clean Water Action organizes strong grassroots groups and coalitions, and campaigns to elect environmental candidates and to solve environmental and community problems.

Marine Conservation Institute
For 25 years, Marine Conservation Institute has been leading conservation efforts to save our ocean.  Marine Conservation Institute is working to create an urgently-needed worldwide system of Blue Parks or recognized highly protected areas, to ensure the future diversity and abundance of marine life. 

Ocean Conservancy
In response to the climate crisis and to build more locally led, grassroots power for the ocean, Ocean Conservancy incorporates an ocean justice lens across all their existing conservation initiatives. Ocean Conservancy focuses on long-term solutions that promote a healthy ocean, abundant wildlife and thriving coastal communities.

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